Here is a quick tip that my friend told me about the other day that I thought was cool and wanted to share!

Did you know you can quickly change a chunk of blueprint code between being a function and an event?

If you would prefer to watch the video version, check it out here

This is super easy to do. In my example below I have a custom event that I want to migrate into a function. If you right-click on the events name on the very left-hand side of your blueprint, you will get a menu pop-up. At the bottom of that menu, you will see Convert event to function


Clicking on this automatically turns it into a function of the same name and removes the custom event.


We can also take it back the other way! So if we right-click on the function name on the left-hand side of our blueprint a similar menu will pop up. However this time we are looking for the option called Convert function to event


And now its back to being an event. It makes it a little bit messy but hey, you saved time so its worth it.


There are some limitations to this. For example, functions can’t have time stuff in them, such as Delay nodes. So if you try to convert an event that has a delay in it, it will fail.


This system only seems to work in Unreal Engine 4.26 onwards and it is exactly the same process in Unreal Engine 5 Early Access.

I use this whenever possible now as it’s a real nice little time saver!

If you want more quick tips & tricks FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER @cbGameDev

Also, check out the parkour game I'm solo developing called Freerunners. Give it a wishlist if you like the way it looks!: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430330/Freerunners/