Here is a little tip that you might find useful!

Did you know you can easily reorder arrays by dragging them?

If you would prefer to watch my video version, check it out here

In my example below you can see I have a blueprint array of ints that is out of order: 1, 2, 4, 3


Normally I see people adding new array elements to the end of the array and making use of the drop-down menu to insert, delete, duplicate elements.


These options are handy but there is actually a quicker way to move elements around that isn’t evident at first glance. If we look to the left-hand side of an array element row we can see that there are a stack of dots. If we hover over the dots we can then click and drag that array element around to change the order, as you can see below:


This is so much faster and definitely more fluid. Keep your eyes peeled around the engine for these little dot stacks as you can also perform the same actions in other places such as in Datatables.


This works in exactly the same way in Unreal 5 as well. There are only slight UI differences. In the GIF below you can see that the dots now only appear when you hover over the row itself. The functionality is exactly the same for dragging around though.

This is a nice little tip to know about which can help you manage your data more easily.

If you want more quick tips & tricks

Also, check out the parkour game I'm solo developing called Freerunners. Give it a wishlist if you like the way it looks!: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430330/Freerunners/